Will your food business stay on track when the road ahead suddenly shifts?
We have just released the 2019 Nourish Trend Report, our third annual view of the road ahead in the food industry. The 2018 Report garnered widespread acclaim and positive media coverage.
The theme this year is ‘shifts’; shifts in consumer attitudes, what they’re buying and why, and even a shift in who’s going to be doing most of the buying in the future that might surprise you. We’ve broken the Report down into the following sections:
- Shift From Mindful to Virtuous Consumption
- Shift From the Rise of Plant-based Products to the Rise of the Conscious Carnivore and Ethical Protein
- Shift From Diets to Selective Eating
- Food & Mood - Shift from Physical to Emotional Well-being
- Shift From Heart Health to Gut Health - The Rise of the Human Microbiome
- Shift to Blended Meals and Blended Shopping
- Shift from Millennials to Generation Z
- Shift from Truth to Trust
- Shifts in Canada’s International Agri-food Industry
- Shift to Precision Agriculture
- Shift in Public Trust of Canadian Agriculture
New this year are trends drawn from our expertise in Agri-biz. Even if this isn’t your area, you’ll want to check it out - consumers care more than ever about food provenance and the farm-to-table journey, and so should you.
The 2019 Nourish Trend Report represents the kind of insightful analysis we use to put our clients ahead of the competition. We hope you’ll enjoy reading the report and find something inside that will help propel your business forward.
We'd be happy to personally discuss any aspects of the trend report in detail with you - feel free to drop Jo-Ann McArthur, our President, a line at j@nourish.marketing.